MSI was founded in July 2003 by Mr. Jorge R. Urrutia, P.E. and Mr. George B. Williams, P.E.. Since those days, MSI has enjoyed an outstanding track record of growth and success.

Behind this success is the vision of the founders; When Mr. Urrutia was running the operations of a federal agency, as an SES level V, he frequently wished he could find one company that could help him solve complex problems in an integrated way. Instead, he was confronted with the reality that most firms are highly specialized in technical or administrative areas and are by nature incapable or providing comprehensive solutions to complex problems that require expertise in more than two or three areas.

Mr. Williams, also a senior federal manager, shared the feelings that most federal managers have, in that when confronting a complex problem, federal managers must hire more than one firm to solve the problem and the federal manager becomes the integrator to ensure a positive solution to the problem.